HTTPS Support:  Healthcare evaluates and rates the HTTPS support of over 300 Utah websites and over 130 subdomains of

See the About page to learn about the rating criteria and this project.

Click the Plus icon next to a name to see the reasons for that website's rating.

Companies, Services

Alpine Home Medical ( Mediocre
  • A verified TLS connection can be established. (SSL Labs report)
  • A page can be successfully fetched over HTTPS.
  • HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header is set but the max-age is less than 30 days.
  • HTTP site redirects to HTTPS.
Tell Alpine Home Medical they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @alpinehme
CareSource Home Health & Hospice ( Bad
  • Nothing is listening on port 443.
EMI Health ( Mediocre
  • A verified TLS connection can be established. (SSL Labs report)
  • A page can be successfully fetched over HTTPS.
  • HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header is not set. (About HSTS)
  • HTTP site doesn't redirect to HTTPS.
Tell EMI Health they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @emihealth
Merit Medical Systems ( Mediocre
  • A verified TLS connection can be established. (SSL Labs report)
  • A page can be successfully fetched over HTTPS.
  • HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header is not set. (About HSTS)
  • HTTP site redirects to HTTPS.
Mission Health Services ( Bad
  • Nothing is listening on port 443.
SouthWest Vision ( Bad
  • Certificate hostname verification fails.
Tell SouthWest Vision they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @southwestvision
Utah Telehealth Network ( Bad
  • connect() to port 443 times out.
Tell Utah Telehealth Network they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @utahtelehealth

Crisis Services, Shelters

A.C.E.S. ( Bad
  • Nothing is listening on port 443.
Dove Center ( Bad
  • A verified TLS connection can be established. (SSL Labs report)
  • The HTML page loaded over HTTPS has mixed content.
  • HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header is not set. (About HSTS)
  • HTTP site doesn't redirect to HTTPS.
Tell Dove Center they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @tweet_dove
New Horizons Crisis Center ( Bad
  • Certificate hostname verification fails.
Odyssey House ( Bad
  • Certificate hostname verification fails.
Tell Odyssey House they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @odysseyhouseut
Rescue Mission of Salt Lake ( Bad
  • Certificate hostname verification fails.
Tell Rescue Mission of Salt Lake they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @rescuesaltlake
Safe Harbor Crisis Center ( Bad
  • Certificate not trusted by Mozilla cert store.
Tell Safe Harbor Crisis Center they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @safeharborut
Seekhaven ( Bad
  • connect() returns with error WSAECONNRESET.
Tell Seekhaven they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @seekhaven
South Valley Services ( Bad
  • Certificate not trusted by Mozilla cert store.
Tell South Valley Services they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @svsutah
The Road Home ( Mediocre
  • A verified TLS connection can be established. (SSL Labs report)
  • A page can be successfully fetched over HTTPS.
  • HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header is not set. (About HSTS)
  • HTTP site redirects to HTTPS.
Tell The Road Home they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @theroadhomeut
Utah Domestic Violence Coalition ( Bad
  • A verified TLS connection can be established. (SSL Labs report)
  • The HTML page loaded over HTTPS has mixed content.
  • HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header is not set. (About HSTS)
  • HTTP site doesn't redirect to HTTPS.

Hospitals, Clinics

Brigham City Community Hospital ( Bad
  • Certificate hostname verification fails.
Tell Brigham City Community Hospital they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @brighamcityhosp
Intermountain Healthcare ( Bad
  • connect() to port 443 times out.
Tell Intermountain Healthcare they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @intermountain
Jordan Valley Medical Center ( Bad
  • Certificate not trusted by Mozilla cert store.
Tell Jordan Valley Medical Center they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @jordanvalleymed
Lakeview Hospital ( Bad
  • Certificate hostname verification fails.
Tell Lakeview Hospital they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @lakeviewhosp
Mountain View Hospital ( Bad
  • Certificate hostname verification fails.
Tell Mountain View Hospital they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @mvhpayson
Ogden Clinic ( Mediocre
  • A verified TLS connection can be established. (SSL Labs report)
  • A page can be successfully fetched over HTTPS.
  • HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header is not set. (About HSTS)
  • HTTP site doesn't redirect to HTTPS.
Tell Ogden Clinic they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @ogdenclinic
Ogden Regional Medical Center ( Bad
  • Certificate hostname verification fails.
Tell Ogden Regional Medical Center they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @ogdenregional
Promise Hospital of Salt Lake ( Bad
  • Certificate hostname verification fails.
St. Mark's Hospital ( Bad
  • Certificate hostname verification fails.
Tell St. Mark's Hospital they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @stmarkshosp
Timpanogos Regional Hospital ( Bad
  • Certificate hostname verification fails.
Tell Timpanogos Regional Hospital they should improve their HTTPS support: Tweet @timpanogoshosp

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